Misr 2000 For Medical Conferences

Spine and Peripheral Nerves Post Operative Rehabilitation workshop


Date: Tuesday– 30/4/2024

Duration : 9 Am to 5 Pm .

Venue: Agouza Physical medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Center,main conference Hall

Course structure

Time Topic Lecturer
9 Am to 11:00 Am –        Modern concepts in spine surgery –        Dr. Ahmed Hussein
11:00 to 1:00 pm –        Post surgical rehabilitation of common cervical and lumbar spine disorders. –        Dr. Mohamed Badr Mohamed
1:00 pm to 1:30 pm –        Break –         
1:30 to   3 Pm Basic of nerve surgery. –        Dr. Ahmed Hussein
3:00 to 5:00 Pm –        Post surgical rehabilitation of peripheral nerve injury. –        Dr. Mohamed Badr Mohamed



Target audience:   Rehabilitation Physiatrists, Physical therapists.


Fees: 1000 LE

To register:


  • Amr Abdou El-Tabl.
  • Phone number and whatsapp : 01099343363.

Very limited number of participants will be enrolled to ensure optimum hands-on training.

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